This insurance product has been designed in line with the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 and the ITF Collective Bargaining Agreement
Crewsure Marine is designed to meet the requirements imposed by MLC 2006 to provide ships' crew personalised medical benefits, injury cover, death in service, sick pay, loss of baggage and repatriation. For the owner, it also provides crew replacement cover and can be extended to include unpaid wages from abandonment.
Crewsure will also provide the certification that has become a legal requirement.
Healthcare Cover
Crew are covered for medically necessary treatments due to accidents or illnesses under a managed healthcare plan for up to US$500,000 per person per insurance year, however, this limit can be amended if required. Pre-existing conditions are covered.
Family Health Cover
Crew and their families are covered for medically necessary treatments due to accidents or illnesses for up to US$100,000 per person per insurance year.
Permanent Disability
Cover for permanent disability from an accident. Up to US$175,000 for senior officers, US$150,000 for junior officers and US$100,000 for crew. Cover also includes crew replacement.
Death in Service
We provide up to US$100,000 per person, and we will also pay US$20,000 for each legally dependent child under the age of eighteen at the time of death up to a maximum of 4 children.
Sick Pay
Loss of wages from both accident and illness up to 12 months as set out under MLC.
Deviation expenses incurred in deviating from the voyage in order to land a sick or injured crew member.
Crew Replacement Costs
In the event that a crew member has to be replaced due to injury or illness, we will pay expenses for recruiting and sending a replacement.
Cover for lost or delayed baggage prior to departure and on return home up to US$1,000 for a single item or a maximum of US$3,000 in any twelve month period.
An insured person is covered for the cost of repatriation to their home country, and their unpaid wages, in the event that they and their vessel are abandoned, leaving the vessel without the necessary maintenance and support, in accordance with MLC.
We can provide different limits on request if required.
Protecting partners and dependents in their home country.
Crisis/Political Protection
All seagoing employees of the policyholder who are suitably qualified and/or licensed crew or officers
A condition of this insurance is that the Pre-Employment Medical Examination (PEME) and the certificate of competency or other relevant qualification of an employee are current and up to date and all individual crew details are registered
Criminal offences; suicide; willful misconduct; piracy; war; chemical or nuclear force or contamination